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Example Wi-Fi traffic iOS home screen widget


Grafana iOS Widgets


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Grafana iOS widgets

Graphs are generated server-side with grafana-image-renderer. The script fetches the image and displays it on the widget. All home screen, lock screen, and apple watch widget types are supported.

Server Setup

  1. Install Docker
  2. Download docker-compose.yaml and place it in a folder
$ mkdir grafana && cd grafana && wget
  1. Bring up Grafana stack
$ docker compose up -d

Grafana Setup

  1. Create a service account in your Grafana instance.
  2. Create a dashboard to hold the panels or use an existing one. For best results, turn on Transparent background under Panel Options. You should delete the title as well because it's provided via the script using the system font.

Device Configuration

  1. Download Scriptable
  2. Long press the raw link for the file below and select Download Linked File to save the script. Open it from the downloads folder and use the share sheet to import it into Scriptable.
  3. Click the share icon in the top right corner of any Grafana panel. You will be presented with a URL directly linking to the chosen panel. Use this information to update all the configuration variables at the top of the script except for deviceSize.
  4. Find your corresponding device resolution on Apple Developer Docs and set the deviceSize variable. For most retina devices, divide the pixel dimensions by 3 to get pts. Forolder, non-retina devices, divide by 2.
  5. Add a widget to your home screen or lock screen, and select the script "Grafana."
  6. Fill in the Parameter field using this format:
<type: sm|med|lg|rect|circ>,<panelId>,<from>,<to>,<title>,<alignment: l|c|r>

The default config is md,1,Grafana,c

Dark/light mode

Unfortunately, Scriptable widgets do not support automatic dark/light mode switching outside of the native widget background and text colors. To change the color scheme, edit the darkMode variable in the configuration section of the script. Set it to true for dark mode and false for light mode.

view raw hosted with ❤ by GitHub
container_name: grafana
image: grafana/grafana
restart: unless-stopped
- grafana:/var/lib/grafana
GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: "http://renderer:8081/render"
GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: "http://grafana:3000/"
RENDERING_MODE: "reusable"
GF_LOG_FILTERS: "rendering:debug"
container_name: grafana_image_renderer
image: grafana/grafana-image-renderer:latest
"always_run_in_app" : false,
"icon" : {
"color" : "orange",
"glyph" : "chart-area"
"name" : "Grafana",
"script" : "\/\/ Configuration\nconst url = \"http:\/\/\";\nconst token = \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\";\nconst orgId = 1;\nconst dashboardName = \"widgets\";\nconst dashboardId = \"xxxxxxxxxxxxxx\";\nconst tz = \"America\/Chicago\";\nconst darkMode = true;\nconst deviceSize = \"393x852\";\n\nparams = config.runsInWidget\n ? args.widgetParameter?.split(\",\") : []\n\nconst opts = {\n type: params[0] ? params[0] : \"md\",\n panel: params[1] ? params[1] : \"1\",\n from: params[2] ? params[2] : \"now-30m\",\n to: params[3] ? params[3] : \"now\",\n title: params[4] ? params[4] : \"Grafana\",\n align: params[5] ? params[5] : \"c\",\n};\n\n\/\/ Scriptable limits displayed image resolution to a max of 500x500\nconst imageSizes = {\n sm: new Size(474, 474),\n md: new Size(500, 210),\n lg: new Size(500, 500),\n re: new Size(480, 216),\n ci: new Size(216, 216),\n};\n\nconst widgetSizes = {\n \/\/ iOS sizes\n \"430x932\": {\n sm: new Size(170, 170),\n md: new Size(364, 170),\n lg: new Size(364, 382),\n ci: new Size(76, 76),\n re: new Size(172, 76),\n },\n \"428x926\": {\n sm: new Size(170, 170),\n md: new Size(364, 170),\n lg: new Size(364, 382),\n ci: new Size(76, 76),\n re: new Size(172, 76),\n },\n \"414x896\": {\n sm: new Size(169, 169),\n md: new Size(360, 169),\n lg: new Size(360, 379),\n ci: new Size(76, 76),\n re: new Size(160, 72),\n },\n \"414x736\": {\n sm: new Size(159, 159),\n md: new Size(348, 157),\n lg: new Size(348, 357),\n ci: new Size(76, 76),\n re: new Size(170, 76),\n },\n \"393x852\": {\n sm: new Size(158, 158),\n md: new Size(338, 158),\n lg: new Size(338, 354),\n ci: new Size(72, 72),\n re: new Size(160, 72),\n },\n \"390x844\": {\n sm: new Size(158, 158),\n md: new Size(338, 158),\n lg: new Size(338, 354),\n ci: new Size(72, 72),\n re: new Size(160, 72),\n },\n \"375x812\": {\n sm: new Size(155, 155),\n md: new Size(329, 155),\n lg: new Size(329, 345),\n ci: new Size(72, 72),\n re: new Size(157, 72),\n },\n \"375x667\": {\n sm: new Size(148, 148),\n md: new Size(321, 148),\n lg: new Size(321, 324),\n ci: new Size(68, 68),\n re: new Size(153, 68),\n },\n \"360x780\": {\n sm: new Size(155, 155),\n md: new Size(329, 155),\n lg: new Size(329, 345),\n ci: new Size(72, 72),\n re: new Size(157, 72),\n },\n \"320x568\": {\n sm: new Size(141, 141),\n md: new Size(292, 141),\n lg: new Size(292, 311),\n ci: null,\n re: null,\n },\n \/\/ iPadOS sizes\n \"768x1024\": {\n sm: new Size(141, 141),\n md: new Size(305.5, 141),\n lg: new Size(305.5, 305.5),\n lg: new Size(634.5, 305.5),\n xl: new Size(634.5, 305.5),\n },\n \"744x1133\": {\n sm: new Size(141, 141),\n md: new Size(305.5, 141),\n lg: new Size(305.5, 305.5),\n lg: new Size(634.5, 305.5),\n xl: new Size(634.5, 305.5),\n },\n \"810x1080\": {\n sm: new Size(146, 146),\n md: new Size(320.5, 146),\n lg: new Size(320.5, 320.5),\n lg: new Size(669, 320.5),\n xl: new Size(669, 320.5),\n },\n \"820x1180\": {\n sm: new Size(155, 155),\n md: new Size(342, 155),\n lg: new Size(342, 342),\n lg: new Size(715.5, 342),\n xl: new Size(715.5, 342),\n },\n \"834x1112\": {\n sm: new Size(150, 150),\n md: new Size(327.5, 150),\n lg: new Size(327.5, 327.5),\n lg: new Size(682, 327.5),\n xl: new Size(682, 327.5),\n },\n \"834x1194\": {\n sm: new Size(155, 155),\n md: new Size(342, 155),\n lg: new Size(342, 342),\n lg: new Size(715.5, 342),\n xl: new Size(715.5, 342),\n },\n \"954x1373\": {\n sm: new Size(162, 162),\n md: new Size(350, 162),\n lg: new Size(350, 350),\n lg: new Size(726, 350),\n xl: new Size(726, 350),\n },\n \"970x1389\": {\n sm: new Size(162, 162),\n md: new Size(350, 162),\n lg: new Size(350, 350),\n lg: new Size(726, 350),\n xl: new Size(726, 350),\n },\n \"1024x1366\": {\n sm: new Size(170, 170),\n md: new Size(378.5, 170),\n lg: new Size(378.5, 378.5),\n lg: new Size(795, 378.5),\n xl: new Size(795, 378.5),\n },\n \"1192x1590\": {\n sm: new Size(188, 188),\n md: new Size(412, 188),\n lg: new Size(412, 412),\n lg: new Size(860, 412),\n xl: new Size(860, 412),\n },\n\n \/\/ Apple watch sizes\n \"304x139\": { sm: new Size(304, 139) },\n \"330x145\": { sm: new Size(330, 145) },\n \"346x153\": { sm: new Size(346, 153) },\n \"368x161\": { sm: new Size(368, 161) },\n \"382x163\": { sm: new Size(382, 163) },\n};\n\n\/\/ Get widget dimensions based on device size\nsize = widgetSizes[deviceSize][opts.type];\n\n\/\/ Get image dimensions based on widget type\nconst imageSize = imageSizes[opts.type];\nconst theme = darkMode ? \"dark\" : \"light\";\n\n\/\/ Main container\nconst list = new ListWidget();\nlist.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0);\nlist.backgroundColor = new Color(darkMode ? \"#111216\" : \"#F4F5F5\");\nlist.url = `${url}\/d\/${dashboardId}\/${dashboardName}?orgId=${orgId}&viewPanel=${opts.panel}&from=${opts.from}&to=${}&kiosk`;\n\n\/\/ Exclude lock screen widgets\nif (!(opts.type == \"re\" || opts.type == \"ci\")) {\n list.addSpacer(5);\n const textStack = list.addStack();\n\n \/\/ In order for spacers to function correly, the stack must be the full width of the widget\n textStack.size = new Size(size.width, 0);\n textStack.setPadding(5, 0, 0, 0);\n\n \/\/ Add flexible or fixed spacer based on alignment\n \/\/ Text is centered horizontally in stacks by default\n if (opts.align == \"l\") textStack.addSpacer(15);\n if (opts.align == \"r\") textStack.addSpacer(null);\n\n const text = textStack.addText(opts.title);\n text.font = Font.mediumSystemFont(12);\n text.textColor = new Color(darkMode ? \"#ccccdc\" : \"#24292e\");\n\n if (opts.align == \"l\") textStack.addSpacer(null);\n if (opts.align == \"r\") textStack.addSpacer(15);\n}\n\n\/\/ Image container\nconst imageStack = list.addStack();\nimageStack.size = new Size(size.width, 0);\n\nconst image_url = `${url}\/render\/d-solo\/${dashboardId}\/${dashboardName}?orgId=${orgId}&panelId=${opts.panel}&from=${opts.from}&to=${}&width=${imageSize.width}&height=${imageSize.height}&theme=${theme}&tz=${tz}`;\n\nconst req = new Request(image_url);\nreq.headers = {\n Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,\n};\n\nconst image = await req.loadImage();\nconst imageWidget = imageStack.addImage(image);\n\nif (opts.type == \"re\") imageWidget.cornerRadius = 12;\n\nif (opts.type == \"ci\") imageWidget.cornerRadius = 100;\n\nif (config.runsInWidget) {\n Script.setWidget(list);\n} else {\n switch (opts.type) {\n case \"sm\":\n list.presentSmall();\n break;\n case \"md\":\n list.presentMedium();\n break;\n case \"lg\":\n list.presentLarge();\n break;\n case \"re\":\n list.presentAccessoryRectangular();\n break;\n case \"ci\":\n list.presentAccessoryCircular();\n break;\n case \"li\":\n list.presentAccessoryInline();\n break;\n }\n}\n\nScript.complete();",
"share_sheet_inputs" : [